
Renée Frigault (BA BScE MScE P.Eng)

is the President and principal Machine Safety Consultant for Lucid Engineering. She is a Professional Engineer, holds a Master’s degree in Biomechanical Engineering, and has over 25 years experience working in industry (automotive and plastics) and as a safety consultant. As a machine safety specialist she has completed over 1000 Pre-start Health and Safety Reviews and machine guarding audits in Ontario, British Columbia, the United States and Mexico. She has also developed educational courses and learning materials in Machine Safety, Industrial Ergonomics, and Lock Out / Tag Out procedures as well as delivering over 500 training hours on a wide variety of health and safety related topics.

phone: (647) 224-5032

Sakina Essajee (BASc MPH P.Eng)

is a Safety Consultant with Lucid Engineering. Sakina is a professional engineer and holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Hygiene. Sakina has extensive experience with Pre-start Health and Safety Reviews, Lock Out / Tag Out, and Hygiene related services.

phone: (647) 607-5321

Rebecca Lewis (BScE P.Eng)

is a Machine Safety Consultant with the Lucid Engineering team. Rebecca is a professional electrical engineer with over 20 years of experience as a plant engineer and machine safety consultant. Rebecca is based in St. Catharines with a focus on assisting our Niagara and Southern Ontario customers.

phone: (905) 931-7989

Bruno Mastropietro (BScE P.Eng)

is a Machine Safety Consultant with the Lucid Engineering team. Bruno is a professional mechanical engineer with over 20 years of experience as a project engineer and now focusing on machine safety.

phone: (647) 550-7212

Retired – Brian Petersen (BScE P.Eng)

After 14 years as a Machine Safety Consultant for Lucid Engineering Brian Petersen has retired.

Brian is a professional engineer with 20 years of experience involving automation equipment design and machine safety, and has been involved with preparing pre-start health and safety reviews since the legislation took effect in late 2000. Brian has completed thousands of pre-start health and safety reviews for organizations large and small, ranging from small assembly stations to large stamping presses to multi-robot welding lines, and has also delivered training courses involving machine safety to equipment designers and management personnel. Brian’s background comes from the shop floor, and recognizes the need for workable, effective solutions